UX Case Study
DSP Order Inbox - Cadent TV, Web Application
Platform: Web App
Role: Lead Designer
The Order Inbox Workflow unlocks the ability to integrate with client’s order management systems (e.g., Operative), and automating, as much as possible, the creation and management of campaigns in the Aperture DSP. Currently the way internal AdOps teams handle orders from external DSP clients involves copying data from XLS files and emails into the cadent DSP creation forms for campaigns, line items and flights. This is time consuming and error prone.
Problems with the current process
This is text about the problem
Challenges to Success
This is text about challenges
Project Goals
Goals go here
The workflow involves these steps:
XLS files or API calls generated from the client order management system are received and processed, via one or more adapters than connect to the Order Entity database using the Order API
For new campaigns:
That data are used to generate a campaign order in the Order Entity
The new campaign order appears in the Incoming tab of the Order Inbox, and is labeled New
The user selects the order to review
An Order Form that features all the fields necessary to create a campaign, line item, and flight appears, and the form is pre-filled with the information from the order
The user can edit the form and add any missing fields
◦ When the user selects the Save Button, the corresponding campaign, line items, and flights are created, via the Campaigns API
For existing campaigns:
The data are used to generate a revised order for the campaign in the Order Entity DB
The new campaign revision appears in the Incoming tab of the Order Inbox, and is labeled Revision
The user selects the order to review
The user enters an Update Workflow that displays all the individual fields that are being revised, with the original and revised values
Users can accept changes individually or all at once
◦ The corresponding campaign, line items, and flights are updated via the Campaigns API
Order Listing Screen
The overall design of the Order Listing Screen follows the basic layout.
The new Order Inbox features 4 tabs:
Incoming - orders that have been received, but have not yet been managed/processed by AdOps.
The orders can be one of two types:
New - a new order
Revision - an update to an existing campaign that was created by way of a previous order
Accepted - orders that have been opened and accepted by AdOps through the Order Inbox workflow, resulting in the successful creation of a campaign, line item, and flight.
Rejected - orders that have been opened by AdOps, but subsequently rejected. Rejected orders do not result in the creation or update of a campaign.
Order History - lists transaction information about all the orders that have been processed
…and each tab lists a configurable set of sortable fields.